Wednesday, March 4, 2009


So the long awaited Blog From Tara and Chad is finally started.

Are family has now grown by 1 with Colton coming in October. Of course Dad and Chris could not be happier to have the male numbers increase by one. We are calling them are Bookend Boys. I'm trying to figure out the whole picture thing and soon you will all be able to see updated photos of all the kids.

As for me and Tara we stay busy with our church callings. Tara is a Den mother in Cub Scouts and has 15 boys in her den. She is also the Secretary in the Primary Presidency. As if raising 5 children wasn't enough to keep her busy.

I'm in the Elders Quorum Presidency which keeps me pretty busy. We do weekly visits and lots of service projects. The service projects usually are on weekends and that tends to shoot a saturday morning. Other than that I'm at work. I have a great work schedule its a 9/80 schedule which means I get every other Friday off and that is always nice to have a 3 day weekend. I just got a raise and no one complains about that. For anyone who doesn't know I work for BP in the oil/gas industry. Are business unit extracts Natural Gas from the coalbeds. I think its a cool process and if any wants to know more I would love to tell anyone about it.

About the Kids

Chris is in basketball and loves playing but soccer is his sport of choice. He is working hard in school and most days does well. This year was a big change with the move to the new house the kids moved to a new school and that meant new friends and the like. Most of the adjustments have been made.

Madison is still as sweet as ever. She is working hard in school and helping Mom around the house and of course helping with Colton.

Naomi is learning the ropes of a new school. The change was probably the hardest on her and she has had a hard time making new friends. She is a little shy. She has made some friends and is making more.

Samantha is of course 3 and 1/2 and tells you that she is. She keeps herself busy by messing up Tara's clean house as much as possible. She is looking forward to preschool next year.

Colton is almost 5 months now and is getting to big, or at least to us he his. He doesn't do a lot yet he's working on rolling over.

Well hopefully by this weekend I'll figure out the picture thing